Emily Meads

Deep Tech Investor SpeedInvest

Emily is a Physicist by training, and is passionately supporting Deep Tech companies, the Deep Tech ecosystem, and the commercialisation of academically inclined start-ups. Today Emily is a Deep Tech investor at Speedinvest, where she looks for investments in Deep Tech's usual suspect sectors - ranging from AI / ML, to Materials, BioTech, Life Sciences and beyond, all the way through to Quantum Technologies - which have been a personal and professional focus of hers over the past few years. Within her role, she strives to provide scientific credibility to the VC side of the table, in order to best support founders on their journey to create key enabling technologies. Beyond the creation of companies in the space, she keeps close tabs on public and private funding in Quantum, the development of a suitable workforce in the ecosystem, the creation of communities in the sector, and continues her quantum learning journey every day.

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